How to Fit Your Decals
The art of fitting decals is well within the capability of most people. You just need time and some patience!

Luggage Preparation
Please ensure that your luggage is thoroughly cleaned and degreased.

From Shabby to Chic!
A short video showing the process of transforming shabby and battered luggage to chic!

Application & Tie Bars
How to simply apply the vinyl around the tie-down bars.

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Fitting of these decals is well within the capability of most people...
Most of my customers do fit their decal sets themselves. Click 'HERE' to open the 'How to Fit' video on another page. There is also a speeded up video of me updating me top box (new Trophy GSA). Find that 'HERE'!
Rule 1: Ensure that the boxes are thoroughly degreased, since the video was made I have changed to using 'Isopropyl Alcohol 99.9% for cleaning, available from many outlets, including Amazon.
Rule 2: Work slowly and systematically. Check before you stick! I have wrapped many boxes and have never completed a single box in less than 2 hours!
Rule 3: Gentle heat can help, heat gun or hair drier. Don't over heat and avoid stretching the vinyl. A completed set of luggage looks great, personalises your bike, protects and gives an amazing feeling of achievement! Whilst removal of the locks is not necessary, it does give for a much better, professional finish and fitting is easier too, it's tricky working on a surface that isn't flat!
If you get stuck, give me a call, I'm here to help.
Good luck and I look forward to seeing your finished projects!
Click on the link below for a printable 'Fitting Instructions' page.
Fitting Decals to BMW Vario Luggage
The last time I fitted a set (I wish I had filmed it!) I noticed that it is possible to remove some of the black plastic trim (underneath the aluminium front panel), there are two small screws on the inside of the boxes).
As per the GSA decals, clean and degreased the metal panel thoroughly!
Remove a strip from the backing paper (as suggested in the fitting video for the metal boxes) and carefully line up the decals, ensuring that, if your set has a central logo, that it suits nicely in the recess in the centre of the box. The decal should be quite centrally fitted on the panel and the top of the decal pretty much lined up with the top edge of the metal. There might be some overlap, this is normal and can be trimmed with a sharp craft knife or scalpel once fitted. Ensure correct positioning BEFORE you remove the backing paper! It's much easier to reposition (if required) with just the narrow centre strip sticking.
I gently smooth the vinyl working across the box, from the centre, to the left or right, do one half at a time. If you have a heat gun (or hairdryer), gently warm the vinyl (it is a conformable type), smooth gentle with a soft cloth, pushing out any air bubbles as you go.
Surprisingly, the undulating X shape on the side of the boxes is quite straight forward, the tricky parts are the edges where they roll around and curve!
Gentle use of heat helps, as does another pair of hands if you have someone who can help, not essential, but easier.
Care not to overstretch and distort the material too much. There is excess material at the sides. Ensure that the vinyl is into the thin recess gap between the edge of the metal and the plastic and trim as described above. Repeat for the other side.
You will notice (if you purchased a full set) that you have 4 vinyls and only 3 boxes. Use one of the doubles first as a practice piece. Many people manage first time, it’s easier the next time. If that goes wrong, don’t worry, you have a spare.
If you removed the plastic trim, replace afterwards and screw the screws up! I sell quite a few of these and it’s rare that I hear of problems.
Take your time and good luck!